June 2003
Pictures, pictures and some more pictures:
March 2001
I graduated March 30! :)
See all the pictures here!
My favorite picture is the one from
Gemke, me and Yvonne
July 2001
New pictures!
And this time not from the hamsters, but from our holiday in France.
Because we will soon be without scanner I scanned all the remaining pics I wanted to scan. There are some from our holiday in Prague and some pictures from graduation.
That should be enough pictures for now. :)
Oh, one more, just because she is so cute. Hammie
August 18, 2001
Hurray! we have new babyhammies. :)
October 29, 2001
I created a film with our dear hammie Homie in the leading role. (Try to) see it here.
November 10, 2001
Here are 2 webcampics made at my party last night. A great one of Ilinca (the gray hair is a mistake of the cam btw!) and a great one of Biljana. :-)
More pics to come soon!
December 10, 2001
Two new films have been recorded, one with Emmy and one with Speedy. :)
March 7, 2002
Awww, how cute Emmy is.
June 18, 2002
Some hamsterpictures taken over the last half year with the webcam. See them here.
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